Archive for the ‘Educate Girls’ Category

May 10th, 2010 - 10:18 am § in Action, Board Engagements, Educate Girls

Girl Rising: Educate girls, Change the world

GirlRising is a global movement for girls’ education – a film and social action campaign. People working together to change girls’ lives. Educating girls breaks the cycle of poverty and changes the world. Using a groundbreaking film telling the stories of amazing girls from the mo[...]

January 10th, 2010 - 12:12 pm § in Educate Girls, Reading

Half the Sky

The single most inspirational book about the challenges of women and the opportunities that can be unlocked by addressing them. Read more at BookDragon[...]

March 11th, 2007 - 6:43 am § in Educate Girls, Government, Reading

Banker to the poor | Muhammad Yunus

No better book to show the power of enabling local action and ingenuity.  Inspirational recount of Yunus’ creation of the Grameen Bank and Grameen Foundation. Through his 40 years of field work in microlending, Yunus clearly demonstrates the power of enabling people to help themselves rather [...]